I hate to take another week off in getting back on track with the 52 pics of the week so I’ll move my lazy butt and get with it. I’ve been very blessed to shoot sports photography for a local football team here in Wenatchee. I started taking pictures for the Rams in 2004 with [...]
It’s amazes me how blessed I am to find myself in so many new places. So blessed to meet new people. This is a big world and there’s so much I’ve never seen or done. This week, I met a cowboy. A man that can drink, smoke and shoot… all while riding a horse at [...]
I remember when I was a young boy, about 7 or 8, a music teacher traveled door to door in our neighborhood selling music lessons… for the accordion. Oh, I so wanted to learn an instrument. Alas, we had no money for music lessons. In a way, I think my mom thought she was saving [...]
I’m not a big romantic, but I feel blessed to have a life that’s full of adventure, mystery and romance. Romance is a part of life. I can’t imagine living without it. Romance is more than a pounding heart, butterflies in your stomach or deep breaths… it’s story. Romance is a thread that is woven [...]
I remember my first taste of coffee… my mothers instant “tasters choice” YAK! I’m not sure how old I was, but I’ll never forget the laughs as my contorted face brought forth wonderful amusement for those watching. It wouldn’t be until I was 19 and fighting fire for Chelan County Fire Department. (Yes, I was [...]