One of the risks of writing out your thoughts is this… you wrote them out for others to see. That’s right! It’s in print, black and white, posted in cyberspace and retweeted around the globe in moments to “friends” and “followers.” It might have sounded like a good idea at first to write it down [...]
I’m so blessed to have many friends and family that have taken a moment in their life to pray for me. Prayer is a powerful thing. Who can explain it? I suppose there are a countless number of books and papers on the subject… I think I have several of them on my bookshelf. However, [...]
To all our friends and family this CHRISTmas season… Blessing to you all. Shalom. johno~
To my son, my pal. It’s so wonderful to see you grow. Your humor is refreshing and your love for StarWars, Indiana Jones and Pirates makes me happy. Just like me when I was six. But the thing I love most is your heart for others and your love for God. Your the [...]