Johnathan M. Thomas


My name is Johnathan Thomas and I serve as a youth and family minister full-time in central Washington. In my secret life I serve as a humanitarian photographer for non-profit organizations such as World Vision.

I love photography. I enjoy seeing the simple things most people walk past and showing them what they missed. My photography, I hope, will be a small part of the legacy I leave behind. However, my true legacy is Christ and my true home is in heaven,

I am married to a beautiful woman who enables my strengths. We have five children and live in central Washington.

If you would like to contact me, I can be reached at youthimpact at gmail dot com.

  • Gretchen Richter de Medeiros

    can I still send mail to you at:


  • Lisa

    I just found this article when I googled my uncle Lyle.
    Thank you so much for posting this! It was wonderful :o )

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