Peter or Oprah? That’s the question.

My good friend Jason Hill once told me, “When it comes to blogging, I’d rather be Peter Jackson Christopher Nolan than Oprah.” I had to ask what that meant and he said, “I would rather post one good blog every now and then than little tidbits daily.”

I have to say, Peter Jackson Christopher Nolan put’s out some great stuff when he does. However, Oprah can really crank some sweet candy out like a machine that conjures up a web of pink fluff that is spun around a paper cone then disbursed to small children at a carnival. It melts in your mouth and sticks to your fingers… Sometimes it truly is messy, but it is good.

I’ve thought about it, but what about you? What type of blogger would you rather be? What type of blog would you rather read?

Post your comments and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a basket I brought back from Uganda, Africa.



  • Pannell

    Well…i think I woudl choose Mt. jackson, but hope I never write a “King Kong” :)

  • Kim

    At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot (don't even start), I have no idea who Peter Jackson is. However, even the guy without a TV or computer can tell you who Oprah is. Why? Because she makes “contact” with people on a daily basis. Even if you don't like her or agree with her, she is in the living room every single day.

  • Evolnosaj68

    I like blogs that entertain when I want to be entertained and inform when I want to be informed and sometimes I like it when a blog can do both at the same time. What I don't like are blogs that do neither. There is plenty of mind candy out there, but I think when a blog comes from the heart the reader can sense it and there is a connection made between writer and reader that changes both of them. That is the best type of blog!

  • Jason

    For the record, I would change that from Peter Jackson to Christopher Nolan if I were to say it today. And then I would promptly stop blogging altogether, making it a moot point.

    I like that you compare Oprah to cotton candy. It tastes good and gives you a moment of distraction; but in the end it is just filled with air–no substance.

    Christopher Nolan is like a birthday celebration meal. It’s your favorite dish. You look forward to it for weeks. And when you are eating it, nothing else compares. Once it is finished you remember it fondly and often think back to its affect on you.

    Is one better than the other? No. They are just different. We need candy everyday to drag us through the dull afternoons of life; and we need banquets to give us something to look forward to and mark the meaningful events of life.

    (But what do I know? Like I said, I don't even participate in the authoring any more. :)

  • lightexposure

    Well said… After I posted this, I thought about eating a bunch of cotton candy and then getting on a roller coaster. The combination of the two can make one sick and even vomit all over themselves. Point? You have to be careful what you eat before your ride.

    I've updated the blog and made it current with Christopher Nolan.


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