52 blessings 14.2010
It’s amazes me how blessed I am to find myself in so many new places. So blessed to meet new people. This is a big world and there’s so much I’ve never seen or done. This week, I met a cowboy. A man that can drink, smoke and shoot… all while riding a horse at the same time. Go figure. Not something I think I could ever do, but that’s ok.
Being from the city, I never knew much about cowboys except for what I was able to see on television.
Coby, pictured here, is more cowboy than any television character I’ve ever seen. I saw this man rope the hind legs of a calf… by throwing a rope over it’s head… I’m not sure how it happened, but I’m sure not to many on the face of the earth could successfully do such a thing.
I’m not sure who or what I will met in the days to come, but this was a special treat.
By the way…
So everyone knows, I have all the other pictures of the week since number eight and I promise to get those up soon.