What do you say?

Francisco Delos Santos

Yesterday I had a visit with my friend, Francisco. After our visit, I spent a few cruel hours working on a letter on Francisco’s behalf to the Judge overseeing his case.

The Judge has a discernment of 17 months… 53 months or 70 months, it’s his judgment.

If you could right a letter that might make a difference for a criminals sentence, what would you say? You don’t know me from Adam and the guy I’m talking about “looks” like a criminal.

A Judge who sees, daily, the worst of the worst, has heard every story, seen the tears of victims and has heard the screams of “loyal” citizens claiming, “it’s not enough,” “Let em rot in prison,” now reads a poorly written note from some guy he’s never met.

People become numbers… black is black and white is white.  What do I say?


To the Honorable Judge overseeing the sentencing of Francisco Delos Santos.

My name is Johnathan Thomas and I serve as youth minister for First church of Christ in Wenatchee, Washington and I am writing on behalf of my brother in Christ, Francisco Delos Santos.

Francisco and I met several years back during a community outreach sponsored by our church. At the end of our conversation, Francisco was asked a simple questions which caught him off guard. “If Jesus were to come right now, do you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you would go to heaven with him.” His response was surprisingly honest. He said, “I would be doomed.” The next day he became an infant in Christ.

Francisco and I developed a friendship that was honest. I understand what he has been accused of and do not attempt to argue statements or think I might have insight of matters placed in the hands of court officials. However, I am compelled to speak of the character of Mr. Delos Santos.

He is honest but scared. He is seeking, yet in need of a brighter LIGHT to his path. He is not perfect, yet forgiven. He is reborn and curious to know God. He LOVES his family. He finds strength in Jesus. He enjoys our Christian community.

God is working in his life and in Christ there is hope.

I imagine your Honor and the courts have read countless letters similar to this. Notes written by loved ones on behalf of those being sentenced. I would rather speak to the court in person, and share an amazing story of redemption, mercy and grace in the life of Francisco Delos Santos. Yet, I realize this story may never be told in the courts presence.

I understand I have no place to ask the courts favors or requests. I have no personal relationship with the court that would take into consideration my desires.

I do know this, “That while we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” and that God is very fond of you.

In your wisdom, your knowledge and grace, may you see a man standing before you who is loved as you bring his sentence.


Johnathan M. Thomas

I leave this letter in the hands of the court.

I leave Francisco in the Hand of God.



  • Dawnette

    Very well stated. I can see your passion and your relationship with Francisco, hopefully the judge will see the same passion and honesty.

  • http://www.mylifethemusical.blogspot.com Kristi

    Oh, Johno, that was really amazing. What a blessing you are to Fancisco and now to this judge to whom you testify through this letter. Good work, friend. And I will be calling you if I’m ever in trouble.

  • http://jasonhill.blogspot.com Jason

    I think you are doing the Lord’s work.

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