Happy Birthday Hannah!


I can’t believe how much time has passed and how much little time I have left.

Today May 23rd, 2008 Hannah turned 13. I am officially a father of a teenager. I worked for many years with other fathers and mothers of teens. Now we will see if anything I’ve had to offer works for me.

For you Hannah, never forget how much I love you.

Dear child now it’s time to close your eyes

and dream of all the things up in the sky.

Hope, faith and love divine,

are the things for you, I give of mine.

All I have and all I do, little one it’s for you.

Dear child now it’s time to dream away,

and reach your hands to another day.

Hope, faith and love divine,

are the thing to you I give that are mine.

All I have and all I do,

little one, Hannah, It’s for you.

written just before your birth, April, 1995

I love you little girl.


  • http://imagesofmythoughts.com nir

    happy birthday hannah!
    i promise you, everything your father wrote for comes directly from his heart!

    and to you my friend – good luck fathering a teenager!

  • http://ddwheels4god.blogspot.com ddwheels4god

    “In the abundance of cancellers there is wisdom”. I’m sure with all the other parents you have talked to there is some really good learning. I have to remind my daughter and myself that this is the first attempt at raising an 18 year old. We learn as we go. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.


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