Hear O Israel… Part 2
It’s hard to imagine it’s been three months since my trip. So much has taken place since then. What seems to have been so near, now seems so far away. As I revisit my photographical journey, I seem to have more questions, thoughts, joys and some regrets. Regrets in only that I could have done more, asked more or said more. Ever have that feeling?
Again, much thanks and love to friend, Nir and his family. Without their contribution and generosity none of this would have happened.
As I arrived in Israel, I new I was not in Kansas. I gathered my luggage and before I could walk through the exit, a plain clothed man approached me and said something in hebrew… (Oh if only I had taken hebrew in college and not ancient greek)
He soon realized, I guess by the dumbfound look on my face and my response of, “what?” that english was my primary language. He then asked what I had in my luggage create, where I was traveling from and a few other things… of which I was still trying to think of all the gifts I had brought from Africa… “Gifts, dolls, baskets, headlamp, water bottles… I was going down the list trying to be as detailed as possible, until he said, “OK GO!” I think he must have thought, “This guys to stupid to be a threat.”
As I exited into the arrival terminal, I was eagerly looking for a face that I had only seen via the internet. Do you every remember the first time you met someone and saw them for the first time?
This is the view from my friend Nir… I can only wonder what he was thinking as he fired away with his camera. What a joy it was to see a familiar face.
As we made our way out of the airport in the early morning, I knew the journey of a lifetime was taking place… and I knew I needed coffee.
We drove north to Galilee talking about my time in Africa and the discussing the detailed itinerary Nir had worked so hard on. Nir was very thoughtful about making sure I got to see everything I wanted to see. The truth is… Had I only had a short layover and had coffee with my friend, I would have had everything I needed. SO, everything else was a bonus.
As we drove north, we saw the sign for Megiddo, known to Christians as Armageddon. Why not. How many times in ones life do they get to visit the final battle ground between good and evil. Although I have a bit of a different take on the writing of the apostle John than most premillinialist, I still thought it would be nice to see.
Ruins of Megiddo
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