Blessing to everyone and Happy New year! It’s time to begin, again… If that makes any sense. A jubilee, a starting over. Last year was a full cart for me and I’m not sure this year will be any lighter. However, I hope not to drop the blogger ball as much in 2009 so here [...]
To all our friends and family this CHRISTmas season… Blessing to you all. Shalom. johno~
UGH! Is it me or has this year gone by to quickly? It seems as if I was just with my friends on the other side of the world and now I’m here in central Washington covered in snow. However, the year is not over and I hope to complete several unfinished and looooonnnnng over [...]
I heard about a man killed in a human stampede on “Black Friday” in Walmart, by people trying to get the deal of the day. I’m embarrassed to be human. Shawn McDonald song called “Greed” (which has really challenged my thoughts this Christmas), inspired me to make a video using clips of Black Friday I [...]
Receiving a letter from prison is not something I get in the mail everyday. However, Francisco responded to my letter to the judge and it was a real encouragement. It’s cheaper for him to send several letters together and I wanted to share the following. This is a letter to the church by Franscisco [...]
Yesterday I had a visit with my friend, Francisco. After our visit, I spent a few cruel hours working on a letter on Francisco’s behalf to the Judge overseeing his case. The Judge has a discernment of 17 months… 53 months or 70 months, it’s his judgment. If you could right a letter that might [...]
It’s been said, “We will never forget.” But, after seven years, what do we remember?
I am still alive. Lurking about. Listening. Most will be surprised when this blog pops up on their reader. Some will never see it. That’s OK. I know I’ve been absent. It’s not that I don’t want to write, it’s more of “what to write.” So many things to say and so many things to [...]
To my son, my pal. It’s so wonderful to see you grow. Your humor is refreshing and your love for StarWars, Indiana Jones and Pirates makes me happy. Just like me when I was six. But the thing I love most is your heart for others and your love for God. Your the [...]